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Kanye West Reveals Strong Likelihood his and Kim Kardashian’s Wedding will be ‘Exploited’

Kanye West Reveals Strong Likelihood his and Kim Kardashian's Wedding will be 'Exploited' -- But He Wants a GIANT Paycheck First!
According to celebdirtylaundry, Kanye West who was interviewed on Power 106 “Big Boy’s Neighborhood” morning show where he discussed just about every topic under the sun. He chatted about money (how he thinks it’s the best thing in the world and how much of it he has), the nerves he felt upon proposing to Kim, paparazzi, exploitation, and other issues that have plagued his name in the media’s eyes.

He revealed that he and Kim plan to marry sometime next summer and will, more likely than not, consider doing a TV wedding. I mean . . . . DUH.

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Selena Gomes

Selena Gomes
Bilboard Award 2013

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